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Yea, God
Hath Said!

The first lie began with a question:
"Yea, hath God said?"

As it began in the Garden of Eden, so it continues today.
When one lie wears out, the Serpent sheds his skin for a 'new' one.

But God's Word is unchanging.
God is not the author of confusion.
He tells us the truth in His Word.

Are you ready to answer the lies?
"Yea, God hath said!"

For love of the truth,
Eric Druist @ Edify

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About Edify

Our Mission

To encourage those who know the truth - to Edify.

To guide those who are confused - to Exhort.

To stand against the authors of confusion - to Rebuke.

God's Word reveals God's character. Any explanation of God's Word that discards His goodness (holiness and love), or questions His integrity (He cannot lie), must be met with, to borrow their own term, skepticism.


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